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Types of Wastewater Treatment Process : ETP,STP and CETP

Some of the major important types of wastewater treatment process are as follows : 1. Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) 2. Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) 3. Common and Combined Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP).

It is estimated that every year 1.8 million people die due to suffering from waterborne diseases.A large part of these deaths can be indirectly attributed to improper sanitation.

Wastewater treatment is an important initiative which has to be taken more seriously for the betterment of the society and our future.Wastewater treatment is a process, wherein the contaminants are removed from wastewater as well as household sewage,to produce waste stream or solid waste suitable for discharge or reuse.Wastewater treatment methods are categorized into three sub-divisions,physical,chemical and biological.

1.Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP):

Effluent Treatment Plants or (ETPs) are used by leading companies in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry to purify water and remove any toxic and non toxic materials or chemicals from it. These plants are used by all companies for environment protection.

An ETP is a plant where the treatment of industrial effluents and waste waters is done.The ETP plants are used widely in industrial sector,for example, pharmaceutical industry, to remove the effluents from the bulk drugs.

During the manufacturing process of drugs,varied effluents and contaminants are produced. The effluent treatment plants are used in the removal of high amount of organics,debris,dirt,grit,pollution,toxic,non toxic materials,polymers etc. from drugs and other medicated stuff. The ETP plants use evaporation and drying methods, and other auxiliary techniques such as centrifuging,filtration,incineration for chemical processing and effluent treatment.

The treatment of effluents is essential to prevent pollution of the receiving water. The effluent water treatment plants are installed to reduce the possibility of pollution; biodegradable organics if left unsolved, the levels of contamination in the process of purification could damage bacterial treatment beds and lead to pollution of controlled waters. The ETPs can be established in the industrial sectors like Pharmaceuticals,Chemicals and Leather industry and tanneries.

2. Sewage Treatment Plants (STP):

Sewage treatment,or domestic wastewater treatment, is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage,both runoff (effluents) and domestic.It includes physical,chemical, and biological processes to remove physical,chemical and biological contaminants.

Its objective is to produce a waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste or sludge suitable for discharge or reuse back into the environment.This material is often inadvertently contaminated with many toxic organic and inorganic compounds.

Pre-treatment removes materials that can be easily collected from the raw wastewater before they damage or clog the pumps and skimmers of primary treatment clarifiers,for example,trash,tree limbs,leaves,etc.,

The influent sewage water is strained to remove all large objects carried in the sewage stream.This is most commonly done with an automated mechanically raked bar screen in modern plants serving large populations, whilst in smaller or less modern plants a manually cleaned screen may be used this is called as screening.

The raking action of a mechanical bar screen is typically paced according to the accumulation on the bar screens and/or flow rate.The solids are collected and later disposed in a landfill or incinerated.Pre-treatment may include Grit removal in which, a sand or grit channel or chamber where the velocity of the incoming wastewater is carefully controlled to allow sand,grit and stones to settle.

Primary Treatment:

In the primary sedimentation stage,sewage flows through large tanks,commonly called "primary clarifiers" or "primary sedimentation tanks". The tanks are large enough that sludge can settle and floating material such as grease and oils can rise to the surface and be skimmed off. The main purpose of the primary sedimentation stage is to produce both a generally homogeneous liquid capable of being treated biologically and a sludge that can be seperately treated or processed.

Primary settling tanks are usually equipped with mechanically driven scrapers that continually drive the collected sludge towards a hopper in the base of the tank from where it can be pumped to further sludge treatment stages.Grease and oil from the floating material can sometimes be recovered for specifications.

Secondary Treatment:

Secondary treatment is designed to substantially degrage the biological content of the sewage which is derived from human waste, food waste,soaps and detergent. The majority of municial plants treat the settled sewage liquor using aerobic biological processes.For this to be effective, the biota requires both oxygen and a substrate on which to live.

There are a number of ways in which this is done.In all these methods, the bacteria and protozoa consume biodegradable soluble organic contaminants ( e.g. sugars,fats,organic short-chain carbon m molecules,etc.) and bind much of the less soluble fractions into floe.Secondary treatment systems are classified as fixed-film or Suspended -growth.

Fixed-film or attached growth system treatment process including trickling filter and rotating biological contactors where the biomass grows on media and the sewage passes over its surface.In suspended- growth systems,such as activated sludge,the biomass is well mixed with the sewage and can be operated in a smaller space than fixed-film systems that treat the same amount of water.

However,fixed-film systems are more able to cope with drastic changes in the amount of biological material and can provide higher removal rates fir organic material and suspended solids than suspended growth systems.Roughing filters are intended to treat particularly strong or variable organic loads,typically industrial,to allow them to then be treated by conventional secondary treatment processes.

Characteristics include typically tall,circular filters filled with open synthetic filter media to which wastewater is applied at a relatively high rate.They are designed to allow high hydraulic loading and a high flow-through of air. On larger installations,air is forced through the media using blowers.The resultant wastewater is usually within the normal range for conventional treatment processes.

Activated Sludge:

In general, activated sludge plants encompass a variety of mechanisms and processes that use dissolved oxygen to promote the growth of biological floe that substantially removes organic material.The process traps particulate material and can,under ideal conditions,convert ammonia to nitrite and nitrate and ultimately to nitrogen gas.

3.Common and Combined Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP):

Many of the Small Scale Industries (SSI) are unable to put up the treatment systems individually,the concept of CETP's (Common Effluent Treatment Plants) is envisaged to benefit such industries in treating its effluent before disposal whether it is in stream,land,sewerage system or in rivers and seas.CETP's are set up in the industrial estates where there are clusters of small scale industrial units and where many polluting industries are located.

The Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India has launched the centrally sponsored scheme,namely,Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) in order to make a cooperative movement of pollution control especially to treat the effluent, emanating from the clusters of compatible Small-Scale Industries. The major objective of the CETP is therefore,to reduce the treatment cost to be borne by an individual member unit to a maximum while protecting the water environment to a maximum.

The proposal for setting up of CETP's by such industries is to be submitted by the CETP Association to the respective State Pollution Control Board,which after examining the proposal and obtaining commitment from the concerned State Pollution Control Board,which after examining the proposal and obtaining commitment from the concerned State Government regarding its contribution will give their recommendation to the Ministry of Environment and Forests for consideration, the Ministry examines the proposal and takes the decision through a Screening Committee constituted in this regard for providing support from the Central Government.

The Ministry releases the funds for the approved projects which is the matching grant to the amount released by the concerned State Government,subject to the bank guarantee to be taken from the CETP associations for the amount released by the Central Government, The CETP Company should meet the remaining cost by equity contribution by the industries and loans from financial institutions.Funds released for the CETP's should be utilized for the CETP only and not for payment for any debts/bank loans,etc. The design and technical specification of CETP can be referred in any book on wastewater management. 


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